Grande Ecole (Business School) Program

The school offers a Grande Ecole (business school) program in 5 years from the beginning of your undergraduate studies.

Programs in France and abroad and specialisation programs during which students can take advantage of from 20 to 30 months of professional workplace experience and up to 3 years abroad.

programme grande ecole


1st year : Valid high school diploma
Parallel admissions : Undergraduate degree from 1 to 5 years



5 years of education
Bachelor cycle
: 3 years
Master of Science : 2 years






Internships in France or abroad
Alternance possible



Academic semesters in our partner universities
Study sessions in Canada or in Irland
Learning trip to Silicon Valley



State Certified Certificated at Level 6 and 7

bloc orange


The Esam Business School program brings academic excellence together with an international perspective and personal development. It is made up of two study cycles and various possible programs :

  • An “International Management” Bachelors degree in 3 years: to understand how the corporate world works and gain skills that will allow you to lead and manage a company in an international context. (Possibility of carrying out the 3rd year in alternance (working study) on the Paris campus
  • A Master of Science in 2 years: to understand and master the decision process in the context or corporate strategies.




The bachelors degree lasts 3 years and is a program which initiates students in their global corporate understanding, interculturality and the acquisition of professional skills.


Bachelor of International Management

Bachelor of Business Finance


1st year

The first year is dedicated to the discovery of the overall functionality of the corporate world and an international perspective. The first year is devoted to discovering the company, the finance function and opening up to the international market.
  • Study sessions in Canada or in Ireland
  • 2 to 4 years in an international internships

2nd year

The second year is devoted to learning the fundamentals of management and corporate development. The second year is dedicated to understanding corporate finance and strengthening your management skills.
  • 6 months of internship in France and internationally
  • An academic semester in one of our partner universities

3rd year

The third year, which can be done in alternance (working study while in a company), is the year which consolidated the concepts of management. It also includes a pre-specialisation in management. The third year, which can be done in alternance (working study while in a company), is the year which consolidated the concepts of management. It also includes a pre-specialisation in finance.
  Discover the program Discover the program  




ESAM’s Master of Science offers specialisations spread out across the campuses at Paris, Lyon and Toulouse. It offers a coherent teaching across four semesters of and an incontestable visibility on the job market.


Master of Science


4th and 5th years

The two last years of our Business School Program give you the possibility to choose a specialisation from our two specialisations :

  • Expert Financier
  • International Corporate Finance
  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Management
  • Corporate law
  • Study sessions abroad
  • 5 to 6 months of internships in France or internationally
  • The opportunity to train in alternance (working study) for 1 or 2 years
  • 1 double degree

Discover the program




At ESAM, mobility and an intercultural perspective via international immersion make up a large part of our teaching process. We are convinced that your professional life as future managers, entrepreneurs and corporate financiers will be fundamentally influenced by your capacity to build your career to global proportions.

  • Academic semesters in our partner universities available every year
  • Study sessions in Canada or in Ireland from your first year
  • Opportunities for international internships (3 to 6 months)
  • Interncultural Management Semester




For many years in a row ESAM has taken front row according the student rankings as one of the best schools in the subjects of management, finance and law, thanks to the predominance of alternance (working study), quick integration of graduates into stable employment linked to their education and a constant increase of salary after graduation.

In addition to the academic and professional excellence which gives ESAM its strength, ESAM is above all a school with a great learning environment. It is classed 5th out of 100 schools in the “best specialised masters” study carried out by the independent organism Happy at School.

Every year Esam students participate and are classed at the head of the prestigious Global Case Competitionat Harvard: a business game giant which brings together over 160 teams made up of the best students in the world of finance and economics.

Discover ESAM's rankings




By joining ESAM you are choosing a school of human proportions, guided by entrepreneurial spirit and the goal of education the managers and corporate financers of tomorrow.

ESAM has chosen the admissions route of an independent exam, which evaluates students above all on what motivates them, their curiosity and the professional and personal ambitions which drive them.

Do you want to join ESAM? Take the test from your own home, on a secure digital platform, or take it in one of our test centres, a great occasion to visit the campus!

Contact us


« “At ESAM, we are convinced that entrepreneurship is, above all else, a way of life and a philosophy according to which each person in society learns to take well thought out risks in order to build their personal and professional life plan. It is the main vector of employment creation in the knowledge economy of the 21st century and is the fundamental cultural element which will allow older businesses to adapt to an evolving society. 
This state of mind is expressed by the inauguration of a coworking and incubation space on the Paris and Lyon campuses – The Why Not Factory by ESAM. A real teaching laboratory dedication to the development of entrepreneurial culture. 
Since February 2017, over 180 students have joined the unit and around 20 companies have been created.
We are also creating a “Financial Factory” in the same spirit, which consists of consolidating innovate and concrete projects. We are inserting students from the Corporate finance cursus directly into start-ups or TPE during their classes so that they can be confronted with the reality of a business and it’s challenges.
For the third time in a row our students will go to Harvard to represent ESAM and the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS). Last year’s students followed a wonderful course and benefitted from a solid experience that they can show off when they finish their financial and strategic studies. If you are attracted by the entrepreneurial, finance and management in a strong international context, ESAM is the school for you.” »


  Yannick ROUSSEL  
 Director in Management – Finance - Droit