Why choose ESAM ?

Why choose ESAM? Between recognized training, cutting-edge education, numerous perspectives in France and internationally ... discover the 10 reasons for choosing ESAM.


#1 Support Towards Success

The teaching teams and the teaching staff support each student individually in building their professional and personal project.

Human-sized promotions allow everyone to develop serenely and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their success.




#2 A Unique Student Experience

Being a student in one of Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) schools means working alongside thousands of French and international learners on the same campus from the Group's various training courses and schools. Throughout the year, more than a hundred festive, cultural and associative events bring together students around our values of Humanism, Entrepreneurship and Professionalism.





#3 International Openness

Between internships and university semesters abroad, ESAM offers up to 27 months of professional and academic training abroad. The school's campuses in Casablanca, Dublin and Sherbrooke are all opportunities to enjoy immersion abroad.





#4 A school at the forefront of financial opportunities

Since 2015, the Student Awards have placed ESAM n ° 1 each year for a position in Finance. 

Financial analyst, management controller, auditor, asset manager, are unique, technical and strategic jobs for which recruiters are all the more demanding.

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#5 Successful professional integration

95% of ESAM students are hired within 6 months.

With many professional and expatriation experiences, ESAM graduates are considered by companies as young workers who are already experienced, operational and ready to quickly take on responsibilities.

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#6 Gradual Professionalization

Thanks to numerous professional experiences (27 months of internship possible in France or abroad) and to speakers from the business world, ESAM students are gradually preparing to integrate a demanding and competitive world of work.

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#7 Entrepreneurial spirit for DNA

The entrepreneurial spirit is at the very origin of ESAM and one of the founding values of Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS).

For more than 30 years, we have been committed to transmitting this entrepreneurial passion to our students, future managers and corporate financiers. Creative passion, taste for measured risk, analytical mind, so many qualities that a future entrepreneur will acquire within ESAM and the Why not factory, incubator and incubator of talent which supports dozens of employees every year. young people in the realization of their business projects.

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#8 A course of study benefiting from professional recognition

  • Bachelors: Certified title registered in the RNCP at level 6 (former level II - bac + 3);
  • Master of Science: Certified title registered with the RNCP at level 7 (former level I - bac + 5);
  • Specialized MBA:  Certified title registered with RNCP at level 7 (former level I - bac + 6);
  • DSCG: Higher Diploma in Accounting and Management (Master Degree).





#9 Work-study training for professional integration

ESAM, the Grande Ecole of Strategic Management, Corporate Finance and Business Law, is ranked in the top 1 by the Student Awards for its work-study program in Master of Science.

From work-study to employment, there is only one step. The work-study program makes it possible to develop technical skills as closely as possible to experts in the field. It is also a real professional springboard allowing you to create a network and to become, why not, essential to the company that welcomes you. 

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#10 91% of graduates recommend ESAM

The 7,200 graduates of ESAM, the Grande École du Management, de la Finance et du Droit, stationed around the world, are particularly attached to their school and recognize the value of its training.

They represent a united network, which continues to exchange regularly with its school and its students. Each year, ESAM alumni are committed to passing on their knowledge through testimonials, conferences, events or by putting the school and students in touch with the companies in which they operate.
