
ESAM, the school of reference in Strategic Management, Corporate Finance and Business Law of the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers courses of lectures and work study of excellence that is recognized by the State and by professional circles.

working men

With its work-study programs from Bac+3 to Bac+6, ESAM students will be able to tend to become managers, entrepreneurs, decision-makers endowed with an entrepreneurial spirit and open to the world.

Work-study allows you to train for a profession and to integrate more easily into the life and culture of the company. It is a training system which is based on a practical phase and a theoretical phase which alternate. It is a real gateway to employment and professional integration.


Titles and diplomas awarded at the ESAM school

At ESAM, work-study programs are offered on the following courses:

BAC +2 in alternation:

BAC +3 in alternation:

Alternation methods:

  • Professional contract
  • Apprenticeship contract
  • Alternate internship


The advantages of the work-study formula

For the alternate

  • An acquisition of skills
  • Learning about the tools and methods used in business
  • Long-term projects
  • Direct application of acquired knowledge

For the company

  • A resource presents 12 or 24 months depending on the training
  • A student with specialized training
  • A transmission of its methods and its culture



A three-party commitment


The ESAM school is committed:

  • To provide the education provided for in the training program,
  • To appoint a training manager who will accompany the young person on a work-study program and will liaise with the tutor,
  • To organize a meeting dedicated to work-study tutors,
  • To provide the company with all the information needed to assess the work-study student's attendance

The employer undertakes:

  • To provide training to the employee allowing him to acquire a professional qualification,
  • To provide the employee with a job related to his professional objective.

The employee or the student on a sandwich course undertakes:

  • To work on behalf of his employer,
  • To follow the training provided for in the contract.


ESAM supports you in your search for work-study!

ESAM, a school with a professional vocation, puts in place all the means and all the synergies to bring students to success and professionalization.

The Corporate Relations Department supports students in their connection with the professional world. This service meets several objectives: understanding the company, getting to know each other better, providing young people with methodological assistance and allowing them privileged access to the network of ESAM partner companies.

During the work-study campaign, learners can in particular take part in support workshops for business research, the Hand'IGS Forum, the Alternance Forum (or more than 80 companies present to offer work-study contracts), and receive offers directly from the Business Relations department.

Journée forum entreprise



Partner companies

Backed by a network of more than 2,000 partner companies, learners work on a work-study program in large groups of companies as well as VSEs. Our commitment ? Allow you to carry out a work-study program in line with your professional project!

They trusted us


logo fiducial





The apprenticeship contract is a written employment contract of limited duration (CDD) or unlimited duration (CDI) between an employee and an employer.

It allows the apprentice to follow a sandwich course in a company under the responsibility of an apprentice master and in an apprentice training centre (CFA) for 1 to 3 years.


Apprenticeship is based on the principle of alternating between theoretical teaching in a CFA and teaching the trade at the employer's premises (private or public) with which the apprentice has signed an employment contract.

The minimum age is 16. The maximum age is 30 (29 years old).


The duration of the contract depends on the length of the training course (between 12 and 24 months depending on the diploma prepared).

The apprentice's working hours are identical to those of other employees. The legal working time is 35 hours per week.



All companies in the private sector, including associations, can recruit under an apprenticeship contract.

The non-industrial and non-commercial public sector (including the civil service) may also use apprenticeships under the conditions specified in Articles L. 6227-1 to L. 6227-12 and D. 6271-1 to D. 6272-2 of the Labour Code.

Temporary employment agencies may also conclude apprenticeship contracts.



Situation 16 to 17 years old 18 to 20 years old 21 to 25 years old ​​​​​​​Over 26 years old
1st year 27% of the minimum wage, i.e. €419.74 43% of the minimum wage, i.e. € 668.47 53% of the minimum wage, or €823.93  ​​​​​​​100% of the SMIC, i.e. €1,554.58
2nd year 39% of the minimum wage, or €606.29 51% of the minimum wage, i.e. € 792.84 61% of the minimum wage, or €948.30 100% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,554.58
3rd year 55% of the minimum wage, or €855.02 67% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,041.57 78% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,212.58  100% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,554.58

Employees who have reached the age of 26 must receive at least the minimum wage.

Please note: The minimum wage provided for the remuneration of an apprentice may be higher if an agreement or branch agreement applicable to the company provides for a conventional minimum wage (SMC) higher than the Smic.

Please note: these figures represent the legal minimums; some branches have defined higher rates of pay than those indicated above.



The professionalisation contract is a fixed-term or open-ended alternating work contract with a professionalisation action. This contract allows for alternating periods of work in a company and periods of teaching in a training centre with a view to obtaining a diploma or a professional qualification.

The professionalisation contract makes it possible to combine the acquisition of:

  • Theoretical knowledge in the classroom (general, vocational or technological education)
  • And practical know-how in one or more companies

It aims to obtain titles or diplomas corresponding to qualifications: registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)


The professionalisation contract is intended for:

  • Students aged 16 to 25 (26 minus one day) to complete their initial training
  • Jobseekers over 26 years of age
  • A young foreigner holding a temporary or multi-annual residence permit marked "student" may conclude a professionalisation contract if and only if
    • He or she has studied in France under student status for at least 1 year from date to date
    • They are under 26 years of age
    • They hold a residence permit
    • He/she obtains a work permit


All private sector companies subject to the financing of continuing vocational training may hire under a professionalisation contract.

Companies in the public sector (except for the State and local authorities and their public administrative establishments), particularly the industrial and commercial public sector (such as the RATP, the Office National des Forêts or the SNCF), may also use professionalisation, provided that they are subject to financing for continuing vocational training.



The law imposes a minimum remuneration indexed to the SMIC for holders of a professionalisation contract. The minimum remuneration varies according to the age and level of qualification of the employee.

Salary level applicable to an employee under 26 years of age

Age of the employee

Minimum basic salary

Minimum wage increase
Under 21 years old

55% of the minimum wage, or €855.02

70% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,010.48

From 21 to 25 years old inclusive 65% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,088.21 80% of the minimum wage, i.e. €1,243.67
Over 26 years old 100% of the SMIC, i.e. €1,554.58

Employees who have reached the age of 26 must receive at least the minimum wage.

Please note: The minimum wage provided for remuneration of a pro contract may be higher if a branch agreement or convention applicable to the company provides for a conventional minimum wage (SMC) higher than the Smic.

Please note: these figures represent the legal minimums; some branches have defined higher pay rates than those indicated above.

The duration of the contract may vary according to the years of training, between 12 and 24 months.



The alternating internship allows students to gain access to the world of work in addition to their studies, and entails fewer obligations for the host organisations.

The agreement defines the duration and distribution of working hours, the tasks to be performed and the trainee's remuneration. The trainee is therefore not bound to the company by an employment contract and does not have the status of an employee.


It is aimed at all students enrolled in a sandwich course.

The conditions for the execution of the internship are set out in a tripartite internship agreement that must be signed between the training establishment, the student and the employer.


This work placement cannot exceed 6 months or 924 hours per teaching year (i.e. 132 days in the company), distributed according to the terms agreed in the agreement.



This may be a private sector company, a public sector organisation or an association. A tutor is appointed to accompany the student throughout the placement period.

Steps to take :

  • For students wishing to do a sandwich course, it is necessary to
  • Complete a study contract
  • Subscribe to the CVEC
  • Pay the school fees
  • Have the job description and the duration of the internship validated by the corporate relations department
  • Fill in a work placement agreement with the Corporate Relations Department
  • Respect the maximum duration imposed by the law and the alternation rhythm of your training

Attention: the school must validate, sign and receive the agreement signed by the 5 signatories before the work placement starts. Otherwise, the agreement will not be validated.



The gratuity for internships in companies is an allowance that a company pays to its intern at the end of each month. Although it is paid monthly, this sum does not have the character of a salary and is therefore subject to a separate legal regime in terms of both the minimum amount and the tax and social security system.

The minimum remuneration applies only to traineeships lasting more than two months, whether consecutive or not, within the same organisation (company, administration, association, etc.) and during the same school or university year.

The law imposes a minimum hourly rate of 3.90 euros/hour, i.e. for a month consisting of 22 days worked, 600.6 euros.

Unlike work-study contracts, which expressly provide for the payment of tuition fees by the company, these remain payable by the student in the case of an internship.


International students from outside the European Union must meet several criteria in order to be able to take part in work-linked programmes: 

  • Be under 30 years old at the time of signing the contract
  • Have studied for at least 1 full year in France

For more information, please contact the ESAM Business Services team.



Your privileged contacts:

The Business Relations department aims to manage relations between the school and businesses. It is your privileged interlocutor regarding the establishment of your work-study contract or internship agreement.

Any problems with the company should be reported to it as soon as possible, so that the necessary decisions can be made in time.

ESAM Paris

marion vidal

Marion Vidal

Responsable Service aux Entreprises
Tel : 01 80 97 65 32
Tel : 07 86 00 74 92


clothilde constante

Clothilde Constant

Responsable Relations Entreprises
Tel : 04 72 85 73 81
Tel : 06 45 19 09 94


emmanuelle caliez

Emmanuelle Caliez

Chargée de Relations Entreprises
Tel : 04 72 85 17 85