ESAM is a Grande Ecole of corporate finance, strategic management and business law recognized by the market. Our positioning continues to progress, both in terms of our workforce and our reputation
The Student's latest ranking (Palmarès 2020) consecrates ESAM, for the third consecutive year, first place in the ranking of post-baccalaureate Grandes Ecoles for finance. ESAM obtains 1st place for work-study.
Our educational teams and our teaching staff support each student in the construction of their professional and personal project. Promotions on a human scale allow everyone to evolve serenely and to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their success.
A personalized follow-up throughout your training during which you will have to make choices. ESAM oversees your approach through coaching, provided by support experts who will be able to advise and guide you in carrying out your study work but also in building your future project.