The ESAM Master of Science offers specialisations spread out across the different campuses. If offers a coherence of teaching across four semesters and an indisputable visibility on the job market.
The specialisations are also offered in alternance (working-study) over 1 or 2 years.
The Master of Science consolidates the generalised and transversal skills of management and business direction while guiding students towards a specialisation with strong employability and an international perspective.
You will have the opportunity to build a study program which is tailored to you when it comes to your professional project: professional experiences, university study semesters and periods in business internships abroad, specialised teaching at the school with many different facets to combine together during your two years of schooling.
Also, the Master of Science is the program which prepares high level corporate heads in the domains which correspond with their chosen speciality.
These titles are also available through the Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience – ‘Validation of Skills from Expérience’ (VAE)
The Master of Science Expert Financier allows you to professionalise yourself in the positions of corporate finance in order to help you evolve towards high responsibility posts.
Financier and Head of Administration, Head of Management Control, Fusion/Acquisition Advisor, Treasurer, Financial Analyst, Head of Risk Evaluation, External Auditor
Entrepeneurship is at the heart of the economy. This Master of Science will give you the keys to launch your business creation project.
Business creator, Business buyer, Social entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Head of project Innovation, Business creation Consultant, Head of business incubator, Head of projects, Head of development
The Master of Science Strategic Management ‘Strategic Management’ prepares you to enter into a high-placed corporate management position, in project management or a consultation firm.
Head of profit, Head of a mid-sized company or branch, Organisation consultant, Organisation and strategy consultant, Head of sales, Commercial director
The Master of Science Juriste d'Affaires ‘Corporate Jurist’ at ESAM prepares you to enter into positions in corporate legal, consultancy and corporate law firms.
Corporate jurist in a company, Contenion/Conformity jurist, Fiscalist Jurist, Legal Director, Corporate jurist, Purchasing jurist, Consulting jurist, Jurist mediator
The Master of Science at l'ESM is at postgraduate level after 3 years or 4 years of study in parallel admision.
During the admissions process, ESAM is looking for passionate, curious, open minded and well informed, audacious students with the ability to lead projects.
ESAM has chosen to select their students via independent exam admissions.